The kill challenge, Nuke it From Orbit, is a reference to a catchphrase that spawned from the Aliens quote, "nuke the entire site from orbit - it’s the only way to be sure.". If the Courier has the Wild Wasteland trait, NCR Emergency Radio chatter includes the phrases "Game over, man, game over!" and "They're coming out of walls, they're coming out of the goddamn walls!" These two phrases are direct quotes from the film Aliens. This is a reference to when Leonidas I of Sparta says that by the end of the battle he will prove that even a God-king can bleed, and does so by scoring a glancing blow across Xerxes's cheek with a thrown spear. The Gun Runners' Arsenal challenge Even a God-King Can Bleed requires one to cripple Caesar's head with throwing spears.
In Old World Blues, the Book Chute will reference using a cage over your head and a bag of mole rats, a direct reference to how the protagonist of 1984 was tortured in both the book and the movie.
88 United States nuclear weapons program. 80 The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo. 55 One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. 5 Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy.